Donations Needed - Dena Helms has expressed a need for some of our military personnel and we hope that we can help her in obtaining some of these items, which she will then distribute. She requests hygiene items such as: hand sanitizer, toothbrushes, toothpaste, body wipes, tee shirts, talcum powder, foot powder, chap stick, and any other personal items in small containers, (Frequently, the soldiers in the field do not have the opportunity for showers, etc. and must make do as they can.) - There is a box in the lounge for your contributions.
If anyone is able and willing to knit for our troops, there is a need for helmet liners, which when worn under a helmet, helps them keep warm in the cold weather. Knit or crocheted lap robes would be welcome for hospital patients. Karalee has the pattern for helmet liners; please speak to her if you are willing to help.
Little Loaves Of Bread For Sheba And The Orphans - The 'Love Loaf' program recently used for World Vision International has been discontinued by them. Our youth group has decided to continue to use the loaves to raise money for our India Mission Society to help Sheba and the orphans. If you have a loaf please continue to fill it and bring it to church or give it to one of the youth group members. There are about 25 empty loaves if anyone would like to participate in this mission. Any questions, please contact Julie Shaver or Betty Wood.
Book Club Forming! You are Invited to participate in a small discussion group about different books. The group will meet once a month to share thoughts about the book being read by the group. The first book will be "Uncle Joe" by author Tony Hendra. If you would like to read a small excerpt, you can obtain a copy from Carol English or Betty. The first meeting will be Thursday, January 17th at 6:15pm here at Church. Please come and join in some fun, food and fellowship. Bring a friend.
The Flowers Today are given to the Glory of God by Ken & Mary Bellows in memory of Lorraine Larson.
The Coffee Hour Hostesses today are Brenda Swartout and Brittany Norton. Thank you for hosting!
Assignments for next Sunday, January 20th
If anyone is able and willing to knit for our troops, there is a need for helmet liners, which when worn under a helmet, helps them keep warm in the cold weather. Knit or crocheted lap robes would be welcome for hospital patients. Karalee has the pattern for helmet liners; please speak to her if you are willing to help.
Little Loaves Of Bread For Sheba And The Orphans - The 'Love Loaf' program recently used for World Vision International has been discontinued by them. Our youth group has decided to continue to use the loaves to raise money for our India Mission Society to help Sheba and the orphans. If you have a loaf please continue to fill it and bring it to church or give it to one of the youth group members. There are about 25 empty loaves if anyone would like to participate in this mission. Any questions, please contact Julie Shaver or Betty Wood.
Book Club Forming! You are Invited to participate in a small discussion group about different books. The group will meet once a month to share thoughts about the book being read by the group. The first book will be "Uncle Joe" by author Tony Hendra. If you would like to read a small excerpt, you can obtain a copy from Carol English or Betty. The first meeting will be Thursday, January 17th at 6:15pm here at Church. Please come and join in some fun, food and fellowship. Bring a friend.
The Flowers Today are given to the Glory of God by Ken & Mary Bellows in memory of Lorraine Larson.
The Coffee Hour Hostesses today are Brenda Swartout and Brittany Norton. Thank you for hosting!
Assignments for next Sunday, January 20th
- Ushers: D.J. Helmer, Marv Wood, Duane Cornish, Aaron Helms
- Altar Assistant: Larry Vossler
- Altar Guild: Sally Dannheim, Jane White
- Acolytes: Mary Alice Monroe, Caroline Duttweiler
- Lay Reader: Randy Moll
- Counters: Rich Shear, Ed & Lois Flurschutz & Kay McCulloch
Scripture Readings for next Sunday, January 20th
- Isaiah 49:1-7
- 1 Corrinthians 1:1-9
- John 1:29-42a
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