Pastor Will Be Away at the Buffalo Region Pastor’s Conference Monday through Wednesday this week.
Greeters Are Needed For Sunday Mornings. Just take a minute and look around you on Sunday morning and you will notice we have a lot of new faces. How exciting! So many people have told me how welcome they feel when they first visit. We would like greeters to introduce themselves to the visitor(s); learn their names and have them sign the guest book with a complete address, invite them to stay for the coffee hour after church , and introduce them to at least two other members.
Contact Janet Carlin (593-3186) or Betty Wood (593-2405) if interested. Let’s keep a good thing going!
Become A Shepherd The Evangelism committee is looking for people to become Shepherds here at Trinity. The idea is to have a “Shepherd” look after several families by making contact with them. This can be done in various ways. The Shepherd can reach out to them through cards, phone calls, email, or a home visit. The Shepherd will be encouraged to pray for them on a daily basis and help to develop a relationship based on their shared faith. The idea is to encourage re-connecting with our congregation. For more information contact Janet Carlin (593-3186) or Betty Wood (593-2405) or email her at
Spring Cleaning Time! Now is the time to start cleaning out those unused items in good condition that you would like to donate to the flea market to be held Saturday, June 14th in Gargoyle Park in Olean. This will be part of a huge fundraiser for Sheba and the children. The event will include food, music, games, and much, much, more. Please bring your items to church beginning June 1st and plan on attending the event in June. No Clothing Or Shoes, please. Any questions please see Shelly Dunne, Karalee Morris, or Betty Wood. Thank you!
Save The Date Saturday June 21, there will be a major fund raiser supplemented by Thrivent Financial at our church. We are hosting the event to help with the medical and financial needs of three people – Heidi Campbell, Rochester; Logan Culver, Scio and Bill Wonderling, Wellsville. There will be a Beef-on-Weck take-out dinner, silent auction and Music in the Pavilion. We will need lots of help!! The Silent Auction is in need of items – hand made, gift certificates, baskets, etc – for the people to bid on. If you would like to donate, please contact Janet Carlin or Betty Wood. More details to follow.
Book Club - The next book that we will be reading and discussing will be “Years of Wonder” by Geraldine Brooks. Watch the bulletin for the announcement of the meeting date. It will probably occur in the 4th or 5th week of May. Everyone welcome! Come and join us!
Assignments for next Sunday, May 11, 2008
- Ushers: Duane Cornish, Dick Kling, Dan Vossler
- Altar Assistant: Paul Vossler
- Altar Guild: Kathy Farwell, Betty Havens, Debbie Vossler
- Acolytes: Dave & Jane Pinney
- Lay Reader: Pam Duttweiler
- Counters: Ruth Kling, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch
Scripture Readings for next Sunday, May 11, 2008
- Numbers 11:24-30
- Acts 2:1-21
- John 7:37-39
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