Rummage Sale: There will be a rummage sale in the pavilion on Sat. July 19th from 9AM-Noon. Help is needed to set up and sell. If you can help, please sign up on the sheet in the lounge, or see Karalee Morris or Betty Wood. We are not looking for a lot of donations, but if you have some we will not refuse. Please have items in good shape, clean, and if electronic – working condition. No Shoes Or Clothing. Proceeds will benefit the India Orphan Project.
Parade Float Help is needed for the Balloon Rally Float on Sat. July 12th. Please see Kristen Crawford if you would like to help decorate, ride on the float, or walk along side.
Car Wash: Daycare will be holding a car wash on Sat. July 19th in the TOPS parking lot. Shop at the sale and then get your car looking beautiful.
Allegany County Fair Help is needed to “man” the booth at the fair July 14-July 19. If you can help, even if only for a few hours, please sign up on the sheet in the lounge. Thank you.
Favorite Hymns: During the summer months Pastor would like to use some of your favorite hymns in our worship services. The use of the hymns will be based upon the service theme and whether or not we have the hymn’s music and words. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the church lounge. Please write the name of your favorite hymn(s) on that sheet.
Piano Classics By Carole Aldrich: Carole has recorded a beautiful CD on her Yamaha Baby Grand Piano. This wonderful CD can be purchased here at church for $10.00. All the proceeds will go to the Compassion Clement Mission run by Sheba Sunayana to be used towards the purchase of 4 acres of land for the children. Please see Betty Wood for more information.
Coffee Club Bible Study: You are invited to join us on Saturday mornings for a time of coffee, doughnuts and Bible study. We begin at 9:30 am and "sometimes" end around 10:30 am. While we do have various topical studies, your questions, and just plain Christian fellowship, take precedent. If you have a question about the Bible or Christian doctrine stop by for a few minutes and we'll talk about it, or just drop by for a cup of Joe. Hope to see you there.
The Coffee Hour Hosts Today are Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch, Barbara Raines & Gladys Sweet. Thank you for hosting!
Celebrating Birthdays Today And This Coming Week: July 6 Shelly Dunne, Dena Helms; July 8 Nikki Helmer, Rich Shear; July 9 Steve Hand; July 10 Allison Helmer; July 12 Ralph Brown
Celebrating Anniversaries Today And This Coming Week: July 6 Darren & Carol Fanton; July 9 Ben & Marilyn Cornelius, John & Janet Vargo; July 12 Duane & Dot Cornish
Assignments for next Sunday, July 13, 2008
- Ushers: Barry Dunne, Rollie Duttweiler, Justin Vossler
- Altar Assistant: Kato Aldrich
- Altar Guild: Kathy Farwell, Ann Weinhauer
- Acolytes: Dave & Jane Pinney
- Lay Reader: Rich Shear
- Counters: Jon Ebeling, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch
Scripture Readings for next Sunday, July 13, 2008
- Isaiah 55:10-13
- Romans 8:12-17
- Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
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