Don’t Forget our Hands & Harvest Festival coming up on September 27th. We are renting tables to handcrafters for $15.00 each. If you would like to rent a table or know someone who might be interested, please refer them to Karalee at 593-9032. The church will also have a few tables and welcome the donation of handcrafted items. Please consider making something for our tables when you get those fingers busy!
The Fair Booth Was A Great Success. Check out the pictures on the bulletin board by the office of the DCO. Thank you to everyone who helped decorate and “man” the booth. A special thank you to Pete Carlin for copying the Parable CD and Pastor’s sermons. All of the Parables of Jesus were handed out and close to 50 or more of the sermons. Please ask the Lord to bless our outreach at the Fair.
The Flowers Today are given to the Glory of God by Marvin and Betty Wood in celebration of their wedding anniversary.
Coffee Hour Hosts Today are Kato & Carole Aldrich. Thank you for hosting!
Celebrating Birthdays Today And This Coming Week: July 27 Pam Duttweiler; Aug. 1 Meredith Dunne
Celebrating Anniversaries This Coming Week: July 29 Charles & Kelly Miles; July 30 Kelly & Mary Monroe
Thank You to everyone who helped with the Rummage Sale on Sat. July 19th. $345.00 was raised towards the purchase of land in India for Sheba and the children. Once this money is added to the account, a total of $128,345.00 has been raised towards the purchase of 4 acres. Individuals, churches, and organizations from all across western New York and northern PA have been praying and working towards reaching our goal. Please continue to pray for Sheba and the children. Be sure to check out our website for more information.
Assignments for next Sunday, Aug. 3, 2008
The Fair Booth Was A Great Success. Check out the pictures on the bulletin board by the office of the DCO. Thank you to everyone who helped decorate and “man” the booth. A special thank you to Pete Carlin for copying the Parable CD and Pastor’s sermons. All of the Parables of Jesus were handed out and close to 50 or more of the sermons. Please ask the Lord to bless our outreach at the Fair.
The Flowers Today are given to the Glory of God by Marvin and Betty Wood in celebration of their wedding anniversary.
Coffee Hour Hosts Today are Kato & Carole Aldrich. Thank you for hosting!
Celebrating Birthdays Today And This Coming Week: July 27 Pam Duttweiler; Aug. 1 Meredith Dunne
Celebrating Anniversaries This Coming Week: July 29 Charles & Kelly Miles; July 30 Kelly & Mary Monroe
Thank You to everyone who helped with the Rummage Sale on Sat. July 19th. $345.00 was raised towards the purchase of land in India for Sheba and the children. Once this money is added to the account, a total of $128,345.00 has been raised towards the purchase of 4 acres. Individuals, churches, and organizations from all across western New York and northern PA have been praying and working towards reaching our goal. Please continue to pray for Sheba and the children. Be sure to check out our website for more information.
Assignments for next Sunday, Aug. 3, 2008
- Ushers: Fred & Sally Dannheim, Shelly Dunne
- Altar Assistant: Kay McCulloch
- Altar Guild: June Helmer, Betty Wood
- Acolytes: Fred & Sally Dannheim
- Lay Reader: Pam Duttweiler
- Counters: Jackie Sweet, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch
Scripture Readings for next Sunday, Aug. 3, 2008
- Isaiah 55:1-5
- Romans 9:1-5(6-13)
- Matthew 14:13-21
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