Senior Citizens Reminder The September meeting of Senior Citizens will be Sept. 4 at noon in the Dorcas Room with the committee of June Helmer, Dorothy Herke and Edna Lehman.
Hands & Harvest Craft Festival: Reminding all our creative members of the craft festival set for Saturday, September 27th. We need donations of handcrafted items for the church table. Knit, crocheted, painted, wood work, quilted, etc. any hand made items are welcome! Items may be brought in anytime. Don’t forget to “spread the word” and plan to attend!
The Flowers Today are given to the Glory of God by Larry & Marge Vossler in celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Coffee Hour Hosts Today are Larry & Marge Vossler. Thank you for hosting!
Celebrating Birthdays This Coming Week: Sept. 1 Helen Shear (Mrs. Norbert), Betty Wood; Sept. 2 Carol Fanton, Ed Flurschutz; Sept. 3 Ed Fahs; Sept. 5 Bernie Gridley, Julianna Patrick; Sept. 6 Jalea Graham.
Celebrating Anniversaries This Coming Week: Sept. 4 Chuck & Jane White.
Those Who Serve Today, August 31, 2008:
Hands & Harvest Craft Festival: Reminding all our creative members of the craft festival set for Saturday, September 27th. We need donations of handcrafted items for the church table. Knit, crocheted, painted, wood work, quilted, etc. any hand made items are welcome! Items may be brought in anytime. Don’t forget to “spread the word” and plan to attend!
The Flowers Today are given to the Glory of God by Larry & Marge Vossler in celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Coffee Hour Hosts Today are Larry & Marge Vossler. Thank you for hosting!
Celebrating Birthdays This Coming Week: Sept. 1 Helen Shear (Mrs. Norbert), Betty Wood; Sept. 2 Carol Fanton, Ed Flurschutz; Sept. 3 Ed Fahs; Sept. 5 Bernie Gridley, Julianna Patrick; Sept. 6 Jalea Graham.
Celebrating Anniversaries This Coming Week: Sept. 4 Chuck & Jane White.
Those Who Serve Today, August 31, 2008:
- Worship Leader: Gary Shaver.
- Sat. Eve. Worship Leader: Gary Shaver.
- Organist: Carole Aldrich.
- Ushers: Fred & Sally Dannheim, Shelly Dunne.
- Altar Assistant: Kay McCulloch.
- Altar Guild: June Helmer, Betty Wood.
- Acolytes: Fred & Sally Dannheim.
- Lay Reader: Barb Delity.
- Counters: Jackie Sweet, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch.
Assignments for next Sunday, September 7, 2008:
- Ushers: Glen & Kristen Kruger, Marv Wood.
- Altar Assistant: Peter Carlin.
- Altar Guild: Carol Barnes, Eleanor Cott.
- Acolytes: Barry & Shelly Dunne.
- Lay Reader: Karalee Morris.
- Counters: Barb Delity, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch.
Scripture Readings for next Sunday, September 7, 2008:
- Ezekiel 33:7-9.
- Romans 13:1-10.
- Matthew 18:1-20.