Nursing Home Services: We will be doing the services at our local nursing homes again today so if you can come to sing and help the residents it will be truly appreciated, so come and be blessed. The service at the Manor is at 1:30 pm and the service at Highland is at 2:15 pm.
Hands & Harvest Festival, Sept. 27Th. We are renting tables to handcrafters for $15.00 each. If you would like to rent a table or know someone who might be interested, please refer them to Karalee at 593-9032. The church will also have a few tables and welcome the donation of handcrafted items. Please consider making something for our tables when you get those fingers busy!
Hands & Harvest Festival, Sept. 27Th. We are renting tables to handcrafters for $15.00 each. If you would like to rent a table or know someone who might be interested, please refer them to Karalee at 593-9032. The church will also have a few tables and welcome the donation of handcrafted items. Please consider making something for our tables when you get those fingers busy!
Coffee Hour Hosts Today are Pastor & Karalee. Thank you for hosting!
Celebrating Birthdays This Coming Week: Aug. 11 Guelda Carberry; Aug. 12 Clifford Ackley, Tyler Scutt; Aug. 15 Michelle Boissenin; Aug. 16 Amanda Bledsoe, Sally Dannheim, Linda Turner.
Save The Date! There will be a “Summer Classics” Violin, Piano, Organ Recital on Sunday, August 24th at 3:00 pm at the First Congregational Church on 289 North Main Street, Wellsville. No admission, Love Offering will benefit Compassion Clement Mission, Hyderabad, India for Sheba Sunayana and the children. Marya Orlowska-Fancey, piano and organ; Virginia Vossler, violin.
Mp3 Player Up For Auction: A Sansa MP3 player has been donated to be auctioned off with the proceeds going to help purchase 4 acres of land for Sheba and the children. The player is a $50 value. You will find a bidding sheet on the table in the lounge. Bidding will end on August 17th. If you have any questions, please contact Betty Wood.
Those Who Serve Today, August 10, 2008:
- Minister: Pastor Morris
- Saturday Evening Worship Leader: Gary Shaver
- Organist: Carole Aldrich
- Ushers: Fred & Sally Dannheim, Shelly Dunne
- Altar Assistant: Kay McCulloch
- Altar Guild: June Helmer, Betty Wood
- Acolytes: Dave & Jane Pinney
- Lay Reader: Jane White
- Counters: Jackie Sweet, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch
Assignments for next Sunday, August 17, 2008:
- Ushers: Fred & Sally Dannheim, Shelly Dunne
- Altar Assistant: Kay McCulloch
- Altar Guild: June Helmer, Betty Wood
- Acolytes: Mary Alice Monroe, Caroline Duttweiler
- Lay Reader: Marge Vossler
- Counters: Jackie Sweet, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch
Scripture Readings for next Sunday, August 17, 2008:
- Isaiah 56:1, 6-8
- Romans 11:1-2a, 13-15, 28-32
- Matthew 15:21-28
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