Many Thanks go to various members of the congregation for helping to make the daycare’s Frightless Halloween Party a big success. All the candy was very appreciated. Special thanks go to Cato for the hot dogs; Deb Martin for pumpkins; Linda Gridley for dressing up and collecting admission, Betty Wood for being Mother Goose and running a game; Julie Shaver and Elizabeth Lingenfelter for helping with games; and Fran Lanphier, June Helmer and Edna Lehman for dressing up and giving out candy. The attendance was great and all the children and even the oldsters had a wonderful time.
Altar Guild Members: Please remember to check the pews for leftover bulletins, Kleenex, etc. Also check to see if Communion cards, Prayer Request cards or Kleenexes need to be replenished. You will find these items in the working sacristy in the drawers by the sink. Please also try to remember to return the laundered communion linens each week so there is a sufficient supply on hand. Thanks.
Celebrating Birthdays Today And This Coming Week: Nov. 2 Sue Hand, Haylee Helmer, Helen Riley; Nov. 5 Carolyn Duttweiler, Diane Vossler; Nov. 7 Barry Gridley, Natalie Taylor.
Celebrating An Anniversary This Coming Week: Nov. 6 Ludwig & Barb Delity.
Lutheran Witness: Anyone interested in subscribing to the Lutheran Witness at a cost of $9.25/yr should contact Deb at the church office as soon as possible.
“Jesus Is Coming”, a Musical by John W. Peterson will be presented by “Joyful Noise,” a group of musicians from local churches, Friday evening, November 7th at the David A. Howe Library Auditorium. The cantata will begin at 8:00pm (doors open at 7:30) and will be approximately an hour long. This is a Biblical account of the last days and the imminent, bodily return of Christ. The Cantata is directed by Sylvia Meyers and accompanied by Carole Aldrich. The concert is free. Please support this with your prayers and attendance, if possible. Why not bring a friend! Our desire is to have a real outreach to the community!
Greeter’S Ministry: Each Sunday we will have designated Greeters for our congregation. Visiting a church for the first time is one of the most intimidating experiences most people have. People usually visit a church for the first time during a period of stress or transition their lives. We want our church to continue to be an acceptingly warm and inviting church. In support of this ministry, it is extremely important that everyone be a greeter. Let us continue to be sensitive to visitors and welcome them with smiles and handshakes. The official greeter’s goal will be to introduce our visitors to at least 2 or 3 members. Be sure to engage them in conversation. Let us be more than average, let us become exceptional! May God Bless this Ministry. If you would like to be an official greeter, please contact Betty Wood.
We thank the 88 members and friends who attended services last weekend and shared $2,807.75 towards the budget needs of First Trinity. Charities of $130.00 were also received. Our budget needs are $3,683.00 each Sunday during 2008.
Those Who Serve Today, November 2, 2008:
Altar Guild Members: Please remember to check the pews for leftover bulletins, Kleenex, etc. Also check to see if Communion cards, Prayer Request cards or Kleenexes need to be replenished. You will find these items in the working sacristy in the drawers by the sink. Please also try to remember to return the laundered communion linens each week so there is a sufficient supply on hand. Thanks.
Celebrating Birthdays Today And This Coming Week: Nov. 2 Sue Hand, Haylee Helmer, Helen Riley; Nov. 5 Carolyn Duttweiler, Diane Vossler; Nov. 7 Barry Gridley, Natalie Taylor.
Celebrating An Anniversary This Coming Week: Nov. 6 Ludwig & Barb Delity.
Lutheran Witness: Anyone interested in subscribing to the Lutheran Witness at a cost of $9.25/yr should contact Deb at the church office as soon as possible.
“Jesus Is Coming”, a Musical by John W. Peterson will be presented by “Joyful Noise,” a group of musicians from local churches, Friday evening, November 7th at the David A. Howe Library Auditorium. The cantata will begin at 8:00pm (doors open at 7:30) and will be approximately an hour long. This is a Biblical account of the last days and the imminent, bodily return of Christ. The Cantata is directed by Sylvia Meyers and accompanied by Carole Aldrich. The concert is free. Please support this with your prayers and attendance, if possible. Why not bring a friend! Our desire is to have a real outreach to the community!
Greeter’S Ministry: Each Sunday we will have designated Greeters for our congregation. Visiting a church for the first time is one of the most intimidating experiences most people have. People usually visit a church for the first time during a period of stress or transition their lives. We want our church to continue to be an acceptingly warm and inviting church. In support of this ministry, it is extremely important that everyone be a greeter. Let us continue to be sensitive to visitors and welcome them with smiles and handshakes. The official greeter’s goal will be to introduce our visitors to at least 2 or 3 members. Be sure to engage them in conversation. Let us be more than average, let us become exceptional! May God Bless this Ministry. If you would like to be an official greeter, please contact Betty Wood.
We thank the 88 members and friends who attended services last weekend and shared $2,807.75 towards the budget needs of First Trinity. Charities of $130.00 were also received. Our budget needs are $3,683.00 each Sunday during 2008.
Those Who Serve Today, November 2, 2008:
- Minister: Robert Morris.
- Sat. Eve. Worship Leader: Gary Shaver.
- Organist: Carole Aldrich.
- Ushers: Dave & Jane Pinney, Barry Dunne.
- Altar Assistant: Dan Vossler.
- Altar Guild: Ruth Kling, Marlene Rose, Linda White.
- Acolytes: Barry & Shelly Dunne.
- Lay Reader: Jane White.
- Counters: Alice Stevens, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch.
No Assignments For Next Week, Sunday, November 9, 2008:
- Joint Worship at Shepherd Of The Valley
Scripture Readings For Next Sunday, November 9, 2008:
- Amos 5:18–24.
- 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18.
- Matthew 25:1–13.
Assignments For The Week Of Sunday, November 16, 2008:
- Ushers: Dave & Jane Pinney, Barry Dunne.
- Altar Assistant: Dan Vossler.
- Altar Guild: Ruth Kling, Marlene Rose, Linda White.
- Acolytes: Mary Alice Monroe, Caroline Duttweiler.
- Lay Reader: Lou DiStrola.
- Counters: Alice Stevens, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch.
Scripture Readings For The Week Of Sunday, November 16, 2008:
- Zephaniah 1:7-16.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.
- Matthew 25:14-30.
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