Greeters Needed For Sunday Mornings: Just take a minute and look around you on Sunday morning and you will notice we have a lot of new faces. How exciting! So many people have told me how welcome they feel when they first visit. We would like greeters to introduce themselves to the visitor(s); learn their names and have them sign the guest book with a complete address, invite them to stay for the coffee hour after church , and introduce them to at least two other members. Contact Janet Carlin (593-3186) or Betty Wood (593-2405) if interested. Let’s keep a good thing going!
The Flowers Today are given to the Glory of God by Ed & Lois Flurschutz in celebration of their 62nd Wedding Anniversary.
The Coffee Hour Hosts today are John & Janet Vargo. Thank you for hosting!
Celebrating Birthdays Nov. 9 Through Nov. 22 : Nov. 9 Matthew Gridley, Shirley Neu; Nov. 12 Sandra Vossler; Nov. 17 Brad White, Nov. 19 Fred Dannheim, Meri Lynch, Marge Vossler.
Celebrating Anniversaries Nov. 9 Through Nov. 22: Nov. 10 Robert & Gladys Sweet; Nov. 15 Ed & Lois Flurschutz; Nov. 17th Ken & Mary Bellows.
Become A Shepherd: The Evangelism committee is looking for people to become Shepherds here at Trinity. The idea is to have a “Shepherd” look after several families by making contact with them. This can be done in various ways. The Shepherd can reach out to them through cards, phone calls, email, or a home visit. The Shepherd will be encouraged to pray for them on a daily basis and help to develop a relationship based on their shared faith. The idea is to encourage re-connecting with our congregation. For more information contact Janet Carlin (593-3186) or Betty Wood (593-2405) or email her at
We thank the 122 members and friends who attended services on Nov. 2 and shared $4,214.15 towards the budget needs of First Trinity. Misc. funds of $2,565.00 were also received. Our budget needs are $3,683.00 each Sunday during 2008.
Storage, Storage, Storage! One thing we lack here at Trinity is storage. In case, you haven’t noticed, the Cry Room is full, the balcony is full, the working sacristy is full, the kitchen is full, and the store room is very full. We need volunteers to build a storage building here at Trinity. Sign up on the sheet in the lounge if you would like to help. This project is just in the planning stages and we need a committee to work out the details. Contact Dick Kling or Betty Wood for more information.
Coming Soon! Information on the Men’s Club Christmas Party.
Those Who Serve Today, November 16, 2008:
- Minister: Robert Morris.
- Saturday Evening Worship Leader: Gary Shaver.
- Organist: Carole Aldrich.
- Ushers: Dave & Jane Pinney, Barry Dunne.
- Altar Assistant: Dan Vossler.
- Altar Guild: Ruth Kling, Marlene Rose, Linda White.
- Acolytes: Mary Alice Monroe, Caroline Duttweiler.
- Greeters: Anne & Henry Jedraszcak, Sally Dannheim.
- Lay Reader: Lou DiStrola.
- Counters: Alice Stevens, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch.
Assignments For Next Week, Sunday, November. 23, 2008:
- Ushers: Dave & Jane Pinney, Barry Dunne.
- Altar Assistant: Dan Vossler.
- Altar Guild: Ruth Kling, Marlene Rose, Linda White.
- Acolytes: Fred & Sally Dannhiem.
- Greeters: Anne & Henry Jedraszcak, Sally Dannheim.
- Lay Reader: Barb Delity.
- Counters: Alice Stevens, Ed & Lois Flurschutz, Kay McCulloch.
Scripture Readings For Next Week, Sunday, November. 23, 2008:
- Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24.
- 1 Corinthians 15:20-28.
- Matthew 25:31-46.
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