Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Annual Christmas Cantata - "And Glory Shone Around" by Lloyd Larson and Douglas E. Wagner - December 21st.

Sunday, December 21st our morning worship service will consist of the annual Christmas cantata performed by our great choir under the direction of Mrs. Carole Aldrich. We've all heard excerpts of this beautiful work over the last few weeks during our offertory music but that has been just a small taste of the musical banquet to come.

Here is a short description of this work.

"And Glory Shone Around" by Lloyd Larson and Douglas E. Wagner

A Christmas Cantata Celebrating Love's Perfect Light

With a blending of new melodies and familiar Christmas carols, this is a work that recalls the dark days of anguish for ancient Israel, only to give way to the dawning of a new day of light and love when Christ was born. Through the scripturally based narration and music, singers and listeners are once again invited to the humble birthplace of the Savior. The glory of God's radiance that permeates this story is surpassed only by the light of the Christ Child as He once again comes to inhabit the darkest corners of our living.

In a world filled with darkness and pain, Christmas - the season of light - is the ideal time to celebrate God's perfect gift: Jesus, the one who called Himself the "light of the world". It is our prayer that your Christmas will be filled with joy and hope, and that you will find And Glory Shone Around to be a creative and fresh worship vehicle for honoring Love's perfect Light!

The cantata will be followed by Holy Communion.

Come and be blessed.

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